Has your garage floor seen better days, is it full of unsightly cracks, stains, and pits? We’re teaching you step by step how to properly prepare your worn out garage space for Stone Coats Metallic Marble Epoxy Flooring System. We simplified and improved our flooring system for the do it yourselfer. Learn money saving tips and tricks for professional results even on your first floor! Learn right now how to save thousands on your epoxy floor project adding value to your home and giving your garage and other spaces a finished look, come along with me folks I’m showing you every step along the way, Stay tuned and enjoy the video.
Preparation is key for any flooring project. Please review our in-depth tutorial for preparing floors for epoxy.
This tutorial begins with your surface fully prepped and ready for a stunning epoxy transformation.
Flooring Epoxy Midcoat is what we use to create metallic marble floors. You will need 3-6 ounces for every square foot of the project. For a dirty pour marble floor, you'll need more epoxy per square foot. Mix the Flooring Midcoat for 2-4 minutes with a mixing stick or drill with a paddle mixer at a 2:1 ratio. Divide the mixed epoxy into three different cups and add colors to each one - one should be your main base color and have most of the epoxy, while the other two should be accent colors and have less epoxy. When all three are tinted, you are ready for the next step!
Pour out the main metallic epoxy floor color in ribbons. Use a floor magic trowel to spread it on the whole floor. Spray 91% isopropyl alcohol to get rid of air bubbles in the epoxy.
Add the accent colors to your base color epoxy. Use a floor trowel and light pressure to spread the accent colors until you get the look you want. Use 91% isopropyl alcohol to blend and mix the epoxy colors together. Spray some of this alcohol on any micro bubbles that appear to help to pop them. The floor will keep self-leveling and melding for hours. You can also use a small 6 and a 1/4'' microfiber roller to make patterns in your epoxy and blend it together. Allow the floor to cure 24 hours after mixing in room temps above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
Both our Polyaspartic Top Coat and Flooring Ultimate Top Coat Natural/Gloss are compatible as a final topcoat over our metallic marble floors. For an extra grip on the floor, our Polyaspartic Top Coat is compatible with our Non-skid Floor Additive. For the Polyaspartic Topcoat, measure out 1-2 ounces for each square foot of floor. Mix the topcoat with a paint stick or a paddle mixer and a drill for 2-4 minutes. If you want it to be less slippery, add in 2 ounces of our non-skid additive for light grit per 1.5 gallon kit, 3 ounces for medium grit, or 4 ounce for heavy grit. Mix the material after adding the non-skid additive until incorporated.
Pour the Polyaspartic Topcoat into a roller tray. Use a 1/4'' microfiber roller to spread it out on the floor. For bigger jobs, use wider rollers so you can cover more of the floor faster. Apply it evenly in a thin layer - roll from front to back and side to side in a cross-hatch pattern. Make sure not to put too much on - you want about 1-2 ounces per square foot. Let the top coat cure above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Wait 24 hours before anyone walks on it again.
Project Complete! Light foot traffic is allowed in 24 hours and you can park your vehicles back on the fresh epoxy in as little as 72 hours. Use floor cleaners designed for tile or vinyl flooring for long lasting beautiful results. Keep from sliding heavy sharp items. To keep your floor looking fantastic, use felt pads under chairs and heavy furniture. Enjoy your new floor!
You Got This!
Visit our Epoxy Flooring playlist on YouTube for even more metallic epoxy flooring inspiration.